Wednesday 25 February 2009

Carly's Corner

Wednesday 25th Feb.

Firstly let me start by saying hi and thank you for welcoming me onto the Ford Judo Club blog. Before we go into the achievements of the athletes I am currently working with I thought it may be helpful to summarise my role. After spending 4 years at uni studying to become a Sports Rehabilitator (GSR) I found myself venturing into Strength & Conditioning and qualifying as a certified Strength & conditioning specialist (CSCS)

The Scope of Practice for a CSCS

Coaches with the specialist skills and competencies for planning and implementing training programmes for performance. It results in physical adaptations through integrating fitness components, which compliments other aspects of the performer's development. This includes, though not exclusively, strength, speed, power, endurance, agility and flexibility. Effective programming in strength and conditioning presents the best synergistic combination for optimum development in sport whilst preventing the risk of injury.

Athletes Development

I am currently working with Chloe Jackson, Frankie Goulding, Julianne Flory, Kelly Staddon, Matthew Kavanagh, Richard Jackson & Charlie Jackson on a weekly basis. Most sessions are shared between 2 athletes and this is for their primary strength & conditioning. The majority also attend the “Young Athlete Development Programme” that takes place on a Monday evening at 5.30pm. In this group session the athletes are trained on their cardio-vascular fitness, Core conditioning, stability & flexibility.

During their Str. & Con sessions the focus is on resistance training. I plan to bring you regular updates on the athlete’s progress including body fat % and current strength/ power improvements.


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