Thursday, 7 January 2010

Happy New Year to you All

Well its been a little while so I thought I would fill you in on what has been happening. I have finally finished working for BT after 23 years of service to start a new venture. I am using my 45 years of judo experience to take judo into the local schools of Havering on a self employed basis. Unfortunately the schools I should have started this week are closed due to the weather conditions.
It has been a hectic time these last few months and I know that will continue for a while longer while I get established and show the benefits of judo in the local education system....

Ford Judo Club is going from strength to strength gaining more new members every week, its getting full to bursting. Some great little players look like they may come through, all looking good for the future squad players...

I will endevour to find time to keep my blog up to date this year.
I hope its a good one for you all, my best wishies for 2010 go out to you all...
