Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Training Times For Friday 02.01.09

There has been a change in times for Friday as a gymnastics class starts at 1 O'clock.
Training time will now start at 11 and finish at 1 O'clock. Can you leave a comment or text me please to let me know if you will be attending.

Thank you


Thursday, 18 December 2008

Training Times Over Christmas

The club is opening for under 20 and Cadet training on the 27th and 28th of December from 12 noon till 2pm.
And again will be open same times on Tuesday 30th and Friday the 2nd of January.

Any questions call me on 07845030876
Leave a message if I don't answer please.


Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Northern Home Counties Championships

Sunday see 4 Ford players take part in the NHC Championships. Great performances from the players. It was a good oppertunity to try and put in to place some of the technical changes we have been doing in the club, it will take time but I'm sure the benefits will come when they become second nature.
Duncan Ward, -46kg, put in a great performance, the young 12 year old was in a pool of 4 but 1 withdrew leaving 2 14 year squad players in the pool. Duncan gave both a very good fight and it was only his lack of competitive experience that he got caught on the ground, something we can work on, considering the age difference, a great performance.

Richard Jackson -50kg, also had a good day, 3 strong wins see him see him in to the final. the fight was well fought but trying to engage movement and technique that had been worked on put Richard a little of key and just lost a very close fought contest to take silver.

Matthew Kavanagh, -60kg, had a good performance too, going up in to a new weight group See Matt winning through his group with very good command, implimenting moves we had been working on, a bit hesitent at times but this was due to getting his head around new stratages.. Matt won through to the final and face the current National Champion, It was an entertaining fight were Matt was caught early for a yuko score. Keeping the pressure up through the fight Matt got close, but not close enough, which gave Matthew the silver, a good performance.

Tom Williams, +81kg, had 2 other players in his both good players. His first fight was an 18 year old 105kg player, very strong but Tom handled him very well picking up a few minor scores with diferent techniques. A nice ippon came from Tom when his opponent put his weight in to an O Soto Gari, with great hands, Tom took control replaced his left foot and countered with an O Soto Gaeshi for a big ippon..
His second fight was a 90kg squad player again Tom dominated from the start producing a couple of minor scores before scoring wazari with sumi gaeshi and then another a few seconds later.. Good performance to take gold.

Well Done all...


Wednesday, 3 December 2008

European Masters in Prague

Myself and Mike Allen travelled out to Prague recently to compete in the European Masters. This was a well run competition in a new venue which held four mat area's and enough seating for about 1200 spectators, and was located about 15 minutes from the official hotel.
Mike had a hard draw with a very fit looking Frenchman first fight, Mike had a bye previously so could see what he was to be facing. The Frenchman was fast and strong but Mike was coping well until he dropped into a seoi nage, this was blocked and the Frenchman applied a strangle for a submission..Mike was pulled back in, then fought a tall Slovenian, Mike dominated the fight and with no golden score got all 3 flags. His next fight was against the Czech, a great performance see Mike win this comfortably.
We then had a repeat of the first fight, a Frenchman, a drop seoi nage and a strangle. a good performance and a 7th place...

I on the other hand, had a German first fight, I dont want to seem disrespectful and I know you cant go by looks but remember thinking, if I dont win this fight I'm retiring..
After a little grip fighting I set him up for a drop seoi nage and threw for 10.
My next was a Turk who had had a bye. I must admit, I did let him frustrate me, by just dropping all the time, 3 minutes was not long enough for me to get in to the fight. I received a penalty for pacivity and he received one for dropping, although in my opinion, he should of received another. Any, he got the decision on flags, he lost his next against the Russian which put me out..
